Furniture: Equipment that define a space

Everyone is related to their routine life, at homes or at work places, where we need to perform our daily activities with an ease and comfort. So its time to realize the importance of the equipments or say like furniture we use for relaxing and to be at our comfort zone.Yes ofcourse, choice and taste matters alot but also the other things like the on going trend of furniture style, color scheme and many other things, which an interior designer knows well!....


Furniture. Equipment that defines a space and its utility. Equipment that could help you relax. Equipment that could help you concentrate. Equipment that speaks for you and your sense of style, aesthetics and functionality.

The best Interior Designers understand that be it a personal or a work space, the right kind and set of furniture goes a long way in ensuring proper space utilization. There are hundreds of factors to think through while purchasing a furniture. These factors could be classified under 5 basic considerations:
  1. Size and orientation of a room.
  2. Purpose of a room and furniture.
  3. Your personal tastes.
  4. The color scheme of the room and thus the furniture.
  5. The furniture material.
Purchasing Furniture for your home:

Where are you in life? More importantly, where are you headed? For students or professionals just out of college splurging on the coziest of sofas and beds might not be the best investment of hard earned money! Similarly, if you are planning on starting a family, you might want to purchase something that’s a little more dignified than a mattress on the floor.

A home is your personal space. It could be a simple functional shared space where you just come to sleep every night.Or it could be a place where you and your loved ones frequently have friends and relatives over for evenings of dance, food and merriment. A place that has a soul of its own.

Your furniture purchase should be influenced by all these factors. Yes we know that a piece of furniture looks strikingly attractive in the mall! But does it justify the purpose of why you’re furniture shopping in the first place? Your budget? The color scheme of your home? Do not allow your senses to overwhelm you. Restraint is advised!
Furniture for Commercial Spaces:

The importance of the presence AND absence of good seating arrangements can never be overemphasized in an office environment. Commercial interior designers understand thatit is of paramount importance that an employee is able to sit comfortable at her desk to put in long hours of focused, productive work. At the same time furniture in conference rooms should not be so cozy that in a meeting a non-speaking attendant goes to sleep in the sweetly set temperature of Air Conditioning!

Also important is the overall vibe in an office. What kind of environment are you trying to create in your office space? What kind of subconscious message do you want to pass onto your employees, vendors and clients? Are you a law firm hoping to create a sense of seriousness, a sense of power and ambition? Or are you a creative media company that believes in quirky, crazy, upbeat interiors designed to facilitate the free flow of ideas and thoughts? The size, shape, form and material used in your furniture goes a long way in defining these vibes.

So these are the most significant things to look while selecting the right furniture for your office or home. Have queries for us or looking for Interior Designers in Pune? Reach out to us via mail or phone and we’ll be glad to answer them!